Saturday, 29 March 2014

4 Pill Rave Collapse


Spaceships on the radio 65

65th cycle

Spaceships on the radio 65 - 65th cycle

65th cycle. Brothers and sisters, the Golden Age is upon us.

01 - Huerco S - Untitled
02 - No UFO’s - Form constant flood
03 - Patten - Softer
04 - Sagat - Sigh
05 - Alex O. Smith Aka Omar S - Skynet 2B (Original Mix)
06 - Celebrate Music Synthesizer Group - Warung Mini
07 - Sex Worker - Next to you
08 - IVVVO - Before the death of rave
09 - Delroy Edwards - 4 club use only
10 - Strangulated Beatoffs - Reverse child psychology
11 - Odal - Untitled 3



Happy listening. Please go out and buy anything you like the sound of in these mixes. Support artists and support your local record store. Much love as always to Peel & Delia.

Brother James x

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Oes aur wedi cyrraedd

Haul cyntaf gorau yn rhoi pŵer